If your country is not listed and you would like to contact us regarding donating to a Ukraine charity, please contact us on UkraineReliefProgram@ecomglobalsystems.com and we can assist you further.

Yes - as soon as your donation is received at the charity you have chosen, you will receive a date, time, and signature for this delivery.

The transit time from Canada to Ukraine is approximately 3 weeks. The transit time from US to Ukraine is approximately 4 weeks.

To track your donation, go to track my donation and enter your tracking ID (this can be found on your return confirmation email.)

To cancel your donation, go to track my donation and find your order using your tracking number or order number and email address. Scroll to the relevant return and select 'cancel'.

If you are having trouble registering a donation, contact us with your order number and screenshots of the error message you are seeing.

If your donation doesn't have any tracking updates within 24 hours of delivering it to your chosen drop off point, please contact us providing your order number/ tracking number